Ooyala Workshop - Real Time Analytics that Drive Personalization and Monetization
As content owners and marketers move beyond the basics of getting video published on the Web, online video is becoming increasingly performance based. Ooyala's Analytics Engine provides real time data on viewer consumption and engagement. Today's discussion will focus on how content creators, brands, and creative agencies can effectively use this data to drive successful video campaigns.
Larry Kless
Founder and President,
Founder and President,
Larry Kless is President and Founder of Online Video Publishing [dot] com a new media resource firm for sharing strategies and best practices for online video publishers. Larry is a 20 year veteran of the enterprise video space and award-winning producer of corporate and educational videos. His background is in fine arts and he's a long-time member of Canyon Cinema, Inc. and Filmmakers' Coop. He writes a personal blog and is a contributor on ReelSEO.com and Vator.tv focusing on streaming media, online video, startups, gadgets, social media, advertising and marketing, videoconferencing and collaboration. He was named a 2009 Streaming Media All-Star by StreamingMedia.com, and is also Co-Chair of the Online Video Platform Summit which will be held in conjunction with Streaming Media West in San Jose November 18-19, 2009.
Matt Cutler
VP, Marketing and Analytics,
Visible Measures
Matt Cutler serves as vice president of marketing & analytics at Boston-based Visible Measures, the independent third-party measurement firm for Internet video publishers, advertisers, and viral marketers. As part of his responsibilities at Visible Measures, Matt leads the company's research efforts, focusing primarily on measuring how viral videos spread across the Web and identifying best practices in optimizing audience engagement. Previously, Matt led strategic marketing at SPSS the world's leading provider of predictive analytics software and services. Matt joined SPSS as part of the acquisition of NetGenesis, a pioneering Web analytics company that he co-founded in 1994. Matt regularly publishes viral video research findings on the Visible Measures blog (http://blog.visiblemeasures.com) and via Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/mcu)
Jeff Jordan
Matt Cutler serves as vice president of marketing & analytics at Boston-based Visible Measures, the independent third-party measurement firm for Internet video publishers, advertisers, and viral marketers. As part of his responsibilities at Visible Measures, Matt leads the company's research efforts, focusing primarily on measuring how viral videos spread across the Web and identifying best practices in optimizing audience engagement. Previously, Matt led strategic marketing at SPSS the world's leading provider of predictive analytics software and services. Matt joined SPSS as part of the acquisition of NetGenesis, a pioneering Web analytics company that he co-founded in 1994. Matt regularly publishes viral video research findings on the Visible Measures blog (http://blog.visiblemeasures.com) and via Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/mcu)
Jeff Jordan
Product Manager, Video,
Working side-by-side with the world’s largest media companies, Jeff has pioneered Omniture’s industry-leading video measurement solution that is currently measuring billions of online videos each month. As Omniture’s video measurement evangelist and product manager, he is the visionary behind all video-related products focused on measuring and monetizing static and viral video. Before his work at Omniture, Jeff was involved in the venture capital and emerging technology space, finding and nurturing start-up companies through early-stage funding to exit.
Edmond Lau
Tech Lead of Analytics and Monetization,
Working side-by-side with the world’s largest media companies, Jeff has pioneered Omniture’s industry-leading video measurement solution that is currently measuring billions of online videos each month. As Omniture’s video measurement evangelist and product manager, he is the visionary behind all video-related products focused on measuring and monetizing static and viral video. Before his work at Omniture, Jeff was involved in the venture capital and emerging technology space, finding and nurturing start-up companies through early-stage funding to exit.
Edmond Lau
Tech Lead of Analytics and Monetization,
Edmond Lau is the Technical Lead for monetization and analytics. He works on Ooyala's ad serving infrastructure and third party ad integrations, manages the log processing pipeline for analytics, and built out tools to track bandwidth and latency across different CDNs in Ooyala's video player. He has extensive experience working with data processing technologies including Hadoop, MapReduce, and Thrift. Prior to Ooyala, Edmond worked for 2 years as a software engineer at Google on Search Quality's user happiness team, where he launched the related searches feature on google.com, worked on search history, conducted live-traffic user interface experiments, and built out infrastructure for prototyping new features on google.com.
Michael Shimbo
Michael Shimbo
VP of Digital Content and Strategy, Ticketmaster
General Manager, Live Daily
Michael was the co-founder and president at concert.tv. Prior to that he worked at NBC as a product marketing manger.
General Manager, Live Daily
Michael was the co-founder and president at concert.tv. Prior to that he worked at NBC as a product marketing manger.
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