Please join us
tomorrow for a free Reel SEO webinar on May 5th at11AM Pacific Time to learn about online video encoding for the web. If you're a producer wondering what you need to know about video compression, then this is the webinar for you. You will have a chance to ask questions about the various video formats, codecs, bit rates, containers, formats and more. You get tips on best encoding practices so your online videos look the best that they can. You'll hear about H.264 and watch how to simply and easily apply high quality H.264 encoding to your video.
Our webinar moderator and host Mark Robertson just posted a
similar reminder on Reel SEO and had this to say:
"You’ve likely been reading all the hype about Apple vs. Flash. With that hype, it appears that there is a good deal of confusion out there when it comes to video codecs, video formats, platforms, etc…. And, even though it is my belief that leading blogs shouldn’t write about things they don't understand, I completely understand the confusion (read my post -Video File Container Formats, Compression & Codecs – Oh My!)"
Register for this FREE webinar
Mark is spot on when he says that there is a great deal of confusion about codecs and formats. With all the
Steve Jobs Flash bashing and talk of
Google open sourcing VP8 for HTML5 video (one of the codecs it acquired from its
purchase of video compression company On2) along with
Microsoft getting behind H.264 and not open source video codec Theora – it's no wonder that people get all misconstrued. The news has been filled with posturing on all sides of the issue when it comes to a "standard" for web and mobile video. Dan Rayburn has been taking a lot of heat from his blog posts on the subject from rabid Apple fans who have
threatened him with bodily harm, but his most recent post,
H.264 Is A Codec, Flash Is A Platform: One Can't Kill Off The Other, really cuts through the misconceptions surrounding the area of video encoding.
I hope you'll join us tomorrow for this
FREE webinar which will focus on some fundamental knowledge about video encoding, file containers, formats and profiles – and strategies for producing better web videos.
Our topics include:
- What is video compression?
- What is bit rate?
- Video codecs vs. container formats
- Shooting tips for web video
- Tools and resources for encoding
- How to create high quality H.264 encoding settings
Tutorial: Encoded in 15 Minutes
Robert Reinhardt, creator of videoRx.com, will show you how you can use the best H.264 compression tool, x264, to produce high quality web and device-ready video, all without spending money on commercial encoding products. All you need is a tool that leverage x264 and some elbow grease. In this webinar, Robert will demonstrate x264 with the popular cross-platform open-source tool
Handbrake and go under the hood with
x264Encoder, a free plug-in for the Mac version of QuickTime Player Pro.
About our Presenters
Robert Reinhardt,creator of the online video service
videoRx.com and VP of the multimedia consulting company [the MAKERS], is internationally regarded as an expert on multimedia application development and online video deployment,particularly in Adobe Flash and H.264. Selling over 200,000 copies worldwide in over 13 languages, Robert’s books include the first seven editions of the Flash Bible series (Wiley), as well as
Video with Adobe Flash CS4 Professional StudioTechniques (Adobe Press). He has developed and delivered multimedia training to higher education and Fortune 100 companies, and is an Adobe Certified Instructor for Flash courses at
esynctraining.com and Portland State University. Robert has been a featured speaker at the
Flashbelt,Flash on the Beach, SIGGRAPH, and Adobe MAX conferences. Robert is also an instructor at
Larry Kless (hey, that's me!) is President and Founder of
OnlineVideo Publishing [dot] com a new media resource firm for sharing strategies and best practices for online video publishers. Larry is a 20year veteran of the enterprise video space and award-winning producer of corporate and educational videos. His background is in fine arts and he’s a long-time member of Canyon Cinema, Inc. and Filmmakers’ Coop. He writes a
personal blog and is a contributor on ReelSEO, Vator.tv and other online video blogs focusing on streaming media, online video, startups, gadgets, social media, advertising and marketing, videoconferencing and collaboration. Larry is a frequent speaker and moderator at industry events and webinars and was Co-Chair of the recent Online Video Platform Summit. He was named a 2009 Streaming Media All-Star by
StreamingMedia.com , an annual team of the most innovative, influential,and important players in the online video arena.
About our Moderator

Mark Robertson is the Founder and Creator of
Reelseo.com. Previously, Mark was Director of Search at Freedom Communications and he has had extensive experience in online marketing, particularly in Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Local Search, Video Marketing, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You can follow Mark on Twitter
@markrrobertson or ReelSEO at
About our Sponsor

Special thanks to our sponsor for this event –Vzaar. Vzaar is a professional quality online video hosting platform for business. They serve media companies, marketing agencies, corporate communications, e-commerce, web applications and non-profit organizations.
You can learn more about Vzaar and sign up for a free trial here.