Saturday, November 1, 2008 Integrates with Qik and Flixwagon

In another mashup of microblogging and live streaming platforms Qik announced yesterday, Qik is the first live mobile video service to integrate with 12seconds!

"We're very happy today to announce that Qik is the first live mobile streaming service to integrate with popular micro-video site 12seconds (aka "video Twitter")."

Now Qikkers can stream their Qik videos directly to their accounts and the only catch is that the videos can only be 12 seconds each. I attempted it a few times and included one of the results with the original Qik video which is actually 19 seconds and the video. The video only took about two minutes to appear on 12seconds once it had started streaming live on Qik had already integrated with Twitter, Mogulus, YouTube , Pownce, , Blogger, Seesmic and Tumblr.

Qik video

Qik Video on

Further integration of microblogging and lifestreaming networks like this is innovative. But I'm still debating on whether or not I'll keep it enabled in my Qik account. I know it's syndication but I'm mindful of the noise it can generate through the replication of the countless videos across the networks.

And in related live mobile broadcasting news...

Flixwagon and 12seconds have also announced a similar integration just one day before Qik on October 30th. While I didn't see an option to link my Flixwagon and 12seconds accounts in either service both blog posts stated that it would available this weekend in time for testing before the General Elections on Tuesday.

The 12second blog says, "Flixwagon is the amazing service that let’s you stream live video to the web from your mobile phone. It’s completely amazing technology and we’re excited to be working with Flixwagon. You can link your 12seconds account to your Flixwagon account and then the first twelve seconds of every Flixwagon session will go automatically to 12seconds!" - from Flixwagon integration, Current and Halloween! « the blog

Flixwagon blog says, "During the US Presidential Elections this Tuesday Nov 4, Flixwagon users will have the opportunity to share their election thoughts and experiences on Current TV by linking their Flixwagon account with a account, and making 12-second-long videos. The Current TV network is known for its user participation model, variety of short-form content, and its Inconveniencing Truther Chairman Al Gore (the network is available in over 51 Million households and online, so that’s a lot of people who might see your Flixwagon videos…)." - Share Your Election Day Thoughts and Experiences on Current TV with Flixwagon and - The Flixwagon Blog

A few related blog posts: