This video is from a panel session I moderated at
Streaming Media East 2010 on,
Media Framework: Video Publishing Platforms, and features a diverse panel from the online video world, including Bismarck C Lepe, President, Products,
Ooyala; Krish Melon, CTO,
Synaptic Digital; Ron Yekutiel, Chairman, CEO,
Kaltura and Jason Liebman, CEO, Co-Founder,
Howcast. The goal of the session was to describe what publishers need and how much they should expect to play for managing content, what are the process and main features of publishing platforms, and the viability of build vs. buy. In the presentation, each speaker shared customer use cases that demonstrated how businesses are using online video, along with capabilities and new features available from their platforms.
I conducted separate video interviews with
Ron Yekutiel and
Bismarck Lepe, which you can watch for a demonstration of the new product features available from both Kaltura and Ooyala. I also spoke with Jason Liebman,
in this Qik video interview, who gave an overview of Howcast, where it is within that market and why every company should be a media company.