Sunday, March 11, 2012

Online Video Consultants Say the Darndest Things

Trying to keep up with latest video workflows, video codecs, algorithms and the variety of delivery methods for multiple screens can be a daunting task for anyone. Even the experts agree that the process and tools for video content creation, management and delivery is constantly changing – and can be a challenge to master, let alone understand. Not only do we have to know about every possible screen size and resolution, device and platform, network bandwidth connections and constantly shifting “standards" to deliver any content, anytime, anywhere and on any device.

Multiscreen delivery, connected device platforms, hybrid IPTV/OTT systems, HTML5 and Flash Player customization controls, mobile app development, multi-upload content ingestion and management, advanced adaptive transcoding, mobile-ready encoding, intelligent device detection, user moderation and permissions setting, contextual social media extensions, intuitive ad server and network integration, extensible APIs, automated deep linking and media asset syndication, viewer engagement and geographic distribution reporting, etc... it's enough to make your head explode!

As the consultant's creed says, "“If you can’t convince them, confuse them!”

This amusing video pokes fun at the technical jargon that online video consultants say that makes your head spin. The video stars web video experts, Jan Ozer and Lisa Larson-Kelley, and is actually a humorous digital short to market a one-day web video workshop, Encoding, Serving, and Player Development for Multiple Screen Delivery that Ozer and Larson-Kelley are teaming up on again, in New York City on April 10, 2012. This Web Video Workshops session is a joint venture between Streaming Learning Center and It's presented in two sessions and covers video encoding and video serving and player development and will provide video compressionists, web developers, content producers, and video professionals end-to-end knowledge to achieve the best playback across desktops and devices.

Ozer, author of Video Compression for Flash, Apple Devices and HTML5, will cover encoding for multiple-screen delivery and review the fundamentals of producing H.264 and WebM streams, adaptive streaming and single file and adaptive playback capabilities of Flash and HTML5 on the desktop, and iOS and Android devices, other mobile handsets and tablets and prominent OTT platforms. He'll also detail transmuxing technologies like those provided by the Wowza Media Server and Adobe Flash Media Server.

Larson-Kelley, author of Flash Video for Professionals and the producer of's Publishing Video with the Flash Platform and Up and Running with Flash Media Server 4.5, summarized the workshop on her blog:
"This workshop will provide an overview of the online video landscape today, map out where its going in the future, and provide clear approaches to achieving the best quality playback on the widest array of screens. I’ll give a detailed overview of the current video capabilities of HTML5 and the Flash Platform. We’ll discuss the various devices on the market today and outline their overall classifications and critical specifications. I’ll also outline systematic approaches to reaching targeted classes of devices, with the aim to provide high quality content to the widest audience."
The session is on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM (ET), New York Plaza, NY

More information and tickets available here.